
Monday, November 18, 2019

Obscure Author No More!

At least within Canada, Ian Williams, winner of the 2019 Giller Prize, will no longer simply be an obscure poet and novelist.  He will be a known commodity among the literati.  I thought his acceptance speech (embedded here) was touching.

I am not terribly likely to read his novel, Reproduction, though I will say the report from the Giller Prize jury ("It's a pointed and often playful plotting out of individual and shared stories in the close spaces of hospital rooms, garages, mansions and apartments, and a symphonic performance of resonant and dissonant voices...") does sound at least a little bit interesting.  Maybe I'll put it at the bottom of my TBR list and see how I am feeling about it in 2025.

Anyhow, best of luck to Mr Williams on writing a worthy follow-up!

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