
Friday, November 15, 2019

Obscure author rescued from oblivion

I enjoyed this article in Slate about John M. Ford.  He was primarily a SF writer, who also occasionally wrote fantasy novels, and apparently was a big hit at conventions, as well as made a bit of a splash in the gaming community (pre-video games).  I have to admit I have never heard about him or read any of his works, but I am glad to hear than an arrangement has been made with his family to republish most of his novels and even bring out some unpublished work, including an unfinished novel called Aspects, which Neil Gaiman raved about. 

It has been a very long time since I have read SF extensively, not since my teens really, though there are a few authors or at least series that I reread from time to time (mostly Roger Zelazny, George Alec Effinger and Ian McDonald), but I think I will try to make time for The Dragon Waiting and then Aspects when they are published (or republished) by Tor, starting in the fall of 2020.

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