
Friday, May 15, 2020

May On-line Cultural Offerings

This is going to be fairly sporadic and not a comprehensive list.

I think I forgot to list the House on-line event that took the place of their official opening.  It was pretty interesting.

I'm been checking out a few of the on-line offerings from Stars in the House.  I'm actually quite interested in their reading of Beckett's Happy Days featuring Tony Shaloub and Brooke Adams, which is happening Sat. at 2 pm.  Happy Days is one of the only major Beckett plays I haven't seen.  I was hoping to see a reading directed by Mac Fyfe that was supposed to be done over at the Videocab digs.  Maybe that will happen next year, along with the Great War, which also had to be scrapped.

I know that Aga Khan has started some virtual tours of their current exhibits.  Some of them are archived here.  There appears be a special virtual tour set up for Toronto Star readers that livestreams today at 1 pm.  I probably will not be able to attend this (as I will be working), but perhaps it will be recorded and archived.

MOCA is slowly ramping up its on-line programming as well.  The top few videos here are walk-throughs of their current exhibitions, though it doesn't look like they got around to the Sarah Sze exhibit that supposedly closed a couple of days ago.  Still kind of kicking myself for not getting out there in time for that, though if they had held out for one more weekend, instead of closing the same day as the AGO, I would have made it.  There is still a slim chance that the Mirvishes will loan it for a month or two after the crisis restrictions are lifted, so here's hoping.

That's all I really have time to list right now, but I'll either circle back and fill in more events or I'll start a new page for late May or early June events.

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