
Monday, May 18, 2020

May on-line update

For anyone who missed it and is curious, Plays in the House will now be up for 4 days in general, which should mean through Tuesday evening (tomorrow) to see Beckett's Happy Days.  Link is here.  In general, I'm the wrong audience for Plays in the House Jr., which will be Sundays at 2 and even my son has kind of aged out of theatre for young people.  May 31 they are doing a play called Space Girl, which might be quirky enough that I'll tune in.

I must admit, I have stopped trying to follow the Show Must Go Online live once I realized this would be archived permanently (as far as I know, as there are no rights issues with Shakespeare!). They are mixing it up a bit with a Shakespeare/Star Wars mash up and some other things, and for sure I will watch these, but not right now.

I have not been up on what the UK's National Theatre is doing (usually just up for a week), but I'll take a peek in later.  It does look like this week (Thurs) they will be doing Williams' Streetcar Named Desire and that will be up for a week.  I wasn't crazy about the one that Soulpepper did, but I'll see if I can check this out, and maybe have my son watch it if he isn't totally bogged down in homework.

The Globe Theatre is generally running their productions on YouTube for about two weeks, though Macbeth has an extended run for UK school children to watch it.  I never did manage to take my son to see Macbeth, so I will encourage him to watch that.  Their next production is A Winter's Tale.  If I'm not misremembering, I think this was going to be done at UT (though I had passed up a chance to see Theatre in the Ruff doing it when I found they had made some (to be) inexcusable edits to the play) right before the pandemic hit.  In fact, maybe if I had gone opening weekend, I could have still squeezed it in.  Anyway, I'll probably get around to watching the Globe Theatre do it.  Third time's a charm, I guess.

In terms of local actors, this is the current listing of virtual events around the GTHA.  I think there is a reading of Kat Sandler's Punch Up, but I don't see it here, so I may need to do a bit more digging to find that, and I'll try to circle back around and update the listing.  That's pretty much it for the moment.  Every day feels just a bit more monotonous...

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