
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Making Progress?

While Toronto's new case counts have come down ever so slightly, that cannot be said of Ontario as a whole.  Peel and now York remain major problems, particularly on a per capita basis.  The most scary thing recently is that 61 cases in Hamilton have been linked to a spin class where they followed all the rules, but the rules do allow masks to be removed during exercise.  And the patient zero was completely asymptomatic, which is increasingly the case, and will make tracking down those who have the virus simply impossible without truly widespread testing, which just won't happen.  So we're basically screwed.

What most likely will happen is they will close gyms through the entire GTHA or they will say no more exceptions - exercise in a mask or not at all (and won't that be fun to enforce?) - or both.  I'm not quite backing off my previous criticism because Toronto hadn't shown the evidence before making the call to close gyms down, but now we have the evidence and the gyms will close along with restaurants. 

I'm actually talking more personally.  While it has only been a bit over a week since I've cut out large lunches and tried to improve my snackage, I do think a couple of shirts are fitting a bit better.  Naturally, I am quite cranky when I am dieting.  That's nothing new.  It takes several weeks before this becomes the "new normal" and my body just accepts it won't get as many calories in the middle of the day.  Waking up hungry in the middle of the night remains my single biggest problem, however.  I'll just keep trying to make some slight progress in the next few months before winter hits (and I lose all will to do much of anything aside from hibernate).

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