
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Still Not Getting It

It's so frustrating seeing a small (but still too sizable) minority of Canadians are arguing over mask rules.  The new argument seems to be that if X person (usually a bus driver or policeman) doesn't wear a mask, then I don't need to.  Really childish.  And there is almost no point in arguing with such people, but simply avoid them (and if you are an anti-masker, I am not going to publish your comments here).

Friday I decided that since it was probably one of the last nice days before the weather got much colder, I would walk over to Simcoe Place.  (While I probably will gradually wind down my trips to work as it gets colder and I also am generally not eating a full lunch as I am watching my weight, I do eat lunch occasionally.  At any rate, I can visit the Union Station food court and the one over at RBC Plaza without heading outdoors.)  Anyway, I was going to go to a Thai place at Simcoe Place that I like and hope to help keep in business.  The lady at the counter wasn't there, so the cook was serving a customer.  And he had no mask on!  Really?!  Now I am wondering whether he doesn't wear his mask while cooking.  The whole situation completely turned me off, and I am simply not going to go back until the pandemic is past.  That probably means I won't be going back to Simcoe Place until next summer or even later (unfortunately).  While Freshii's is fine (and that is what I had instead), I don't care enough about it to go out of my way.

It's a little different when I read about industries (like gyms and tourism/hospitality) complaining that they are being punished (by the various restrictions) and the evidence is still on the thin side.  It is a tough balancing act between trying to keep the economy limping along and reining in the cases, but the cases are really staying stubbornly high in the GTHA even after 2-3 weeks of these restrictions, and the hospitals are starting to get overwhelmed, which is really what is driving most of the decisions to shut down.  What is so frustrating is that the only thing that really will help us is a much expanded testing and then contact tracing operation.  The Provinces should have thrown everything into this and they simply didn't over the summer.  So it is little wonder that average people are fed up with a situation that doesn't look like it will ever get any better until a vaccine is ready (and even that will likely prove to be disappointing).  But that is still no excuse not to wear a mask anytime you are around others in a public setting!

I'm debating whether to post some pictures of a Borat pro-mask poster in my neighbourhood that has been defaced by ani-mask fools, but that may just be too meta.  I'm actually pretty turned off by the Borat approach, though some people really liked the first movie, though the sequel has been getting consistently poor reviews...

I'll post it after all, mostly because of the "The Mask is a Muzzle" graffiti...

I'm sorry I have to share a planet, let alone my city, with these dolts

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