
Monday, April 19, 2021

Losing My Mind (Misplacing Things)

One of my more annoying habits is that I tend to get distracted when handling (or really listening to) a large stack of CDs and less frequently DVDs -- and don't always take the time to put them all back in the right cases.  Generally, I am able to fix them in the evening before crashing, but if I don't then it can be a real problem.  I am not generating nearly as many data DVDs as I used to (I guess finally trusting external hard drives a bit more), but the very worst is when I put music CD or DVD into a tall stack of data DVDs.  And then this is magnified about a hundredfold after a move.  There are a handful of missing music CDs that went missing in the last move (all the way back in 2015) and some that I haven't seen since we moved to Toronto from Vancouver in 2014. Even a relatively recent clearing out of the basement, and I am somehow missing a couple of Tragically Hip CDs (that I was listening to as I was working).  These are fairly likely to turn up soon, but it's still annoying.

Ironically, I have finally given up on getting any reasonable amount of money for my used CDs (and selling them on eBay or Amazon is just far too much of a hassle these days, and not worth it with the huge spike in mailing costs).  I was pulling together a big pile of CDs to sell off at the handful of remaining stores that still buy used CDs when the stay-at-home order came down again, spoiling my plans.  

I probably need to clear out enough space just to sort through everything and try to find what's misplaced.  This will be a fairly massive undertaking, and I have to be willing to actually toss the redundant data DVDs as well.  Now I did get rid of a box of cassette tapes, along with digitizing a box and a half of old paper, so I am very gradually becoming a bit less of a hoarder.  But it is hard going.

I'm on the lookout for The IT Crowd and Fawlty Towers (most likely in the master bedroom somewhere*).  A much, much harder task will be to find the 2nd disc of season 2 of Spaced (missing for quite some time) and the 2nd disc of season 8 (the final season) of Futurama.  I vaguely remember watching this with the kids in Vancouver, so it very likely is just in one of the Disney movie cases when I got careless about putting things away, but it's still not going to be easy to track down, sort of like a needle in a data haystack.

It would be nice to think that I have learned my lesson -- and at least I have cut way, way back on buying new things, having finally joined the streaming revolution.  But it seems I am a slow learner, given how many times this keeps happening to me.  Maybe this really can be the last time I am so careless, but given my history I probably shouldn't count on it.

* I did find Fawlty Towers and The IT Crowd in one semi-logical place, along with Father Ted -- and Black Books(!), which I also need to add to my list of must-rewatch sitcoms.  Red Dwarf and Futurama will just be bumped in the queue.  Interestingly, I did track down the Max Headroom set, which I own but haven't watched.  Not entirely sure how my son would react to such a blast of 80s nostalgia...

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