
Monday, April 19, 2021

Mini Movie Update

We watched Some Like It Hot last night.  What a great movie.  It's been quite some time since I've seen the whole thing.  I've tentatively added The Apartment and The Sweet Smell of Success to the pile.  I've seen snatches of both, but I don't think I've seen either all the way through, which is something I clearly need to correct.  I'm guessing it will take 2-3 months to get through the movies, though some of the 90 minute movies may occasionally be snuck in on the random school night.  

Toward the end of the film noirs, I'll add Anatomy of a Murder, as it is a good link to Hitchcock, specifically Rear Window and Vertigo.  I'm thinking maybe I will turn to the Marx Brothers before Keaton and Chaplin, just because they appeal to me more.

It will likely take me another month or two to get through Don Quixote, as I am usually only reading a chapter or two a night (after a long layoff).  It looks like 2 years ago, I came close to checking out Gilliam's The Man Who Killed Don Quixote but it had such a ridiculously short run in Toronto (literally two days only!) that I couldn't swing it.  I did pick up the DVD, however, and I'll make sure to watch it as I am wrapping up the book.  Most likely my son will be interested.

Depending on what else is going on, both at work and in cleaning up around the house, I may watch some of the Rohmer, Goddard, Varda, Bresson, Truffaut, Ray, Ozu, and Kurosawa films that I don't will grab him as much.  I've been collected DVDs for a really long time, and it's time that I actually try to watch the best of them! 

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