
Saturday, August 13, 2022

Cézanne in Chicago

The trip to Chicago was pretty memorable for reasons both good and bad. I'll see if I can find the time to write it up later in the week.  For now, I want to focus on my prime reason for going, which was to check out the Cezanne retrospective exhibit at the Art Institute, which runs through Sept. 2, so just under 3 more weeks to check it out if so inclined.

I'll start off by saying it is a very strong exhibit and definitely worth seeing.  However, it isn't as good as the 1996 retrospective in Philadelphia, which I was fortunate enough to catch, though that was perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime show.  I actually own that catalogue, as well as a Cezanne and Beyond catalogue for a 2009 show also in Philadelphia.  I just don't think I saw that second show in person, as my children were so young at the time and while I did travel to DC for TRB in 2009, the Cezanne and Beyond show opened about a month after TRB!  But I did manage to see a Cezanne show (in Aix no less), which was an incredible treat, as I could walk around and see the landscape he was painting.  In 2015, quite a few Cezanne still lifes were on view in Hamilton, as I discussed back then.

I'd say all or nearly all of those still lifes, except The Kitchen Table (perhaps the star of that exhibit), were on view in Chicago.  In addition, there were quite a few paintings of Mont Sainte-Victoire and quite a few bathers, including the massive Large Bathers from London's National Gallery.  I'd say the only thing really missing was one of his card players paintings.  Here are just a few highlights, but I would encourage you to get to Chicago if you are at all interested in Cezanne.  

Paul Cézanne, Five Bathers, 1877-78

Paul Cézanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire, Seen from the Bibémus Quarry, ca. 1895-99

Paul Cézanne, The Basket of Apples, ca. 1893

Paul Cézanne, Still Life with Apples, 1893-94

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