
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Feeling Stuck

I would say I am feeling pretty stuck at work and also in certain ways in my home life, though I won't go into that in any detail.  There are a number of things I am waiting on, either to hear back from co-workers or social workers or guidance counsellors.  It's pretty dreary having so many unresolved issues all at the same time.  (That said, I am not expecting to be left hanging on for 30+ years, as was the case for King Charles III.  I'm definitely not a monarchist and I'd be more than happy if Canada is no longer a constitutional monarchy by the time I shuffle off this mortal coil.  I guess it will be interesting to see the new stamps and coins.  But for the next few days, UK and Canadian newspapers are going to be non-stop Elizabeth coverage, and I'm essentially trying to tune it out.)

I've learned that I really don't care much for Celine's Death on the Installment Plan, primarily because the narrator, Ferdinand, is such an unpleasant slacker, squandering most attempts by his parents and his uncle to improve his lot.  That said, he did hold down a job with a jeweler, which he lost through someone else's chicanery, and he served this half-baked inventor/journalist as an apprentice.  These sections were a lot easier to read than the many, many pages of him loafing around at home or pissing away the chance to learn English at an English boarding school.  But still I've kind of stalled out because I don't care very much for the book.  Journey to the End of Night was a much more rewarding read, though it was certainly bleak as well.  I even took Death on the long train ride back from Ottawa and only managed to get through another 100 pages or so.  I am taking a bus to Niagara-on-the-Lake tomorrow, and I will bring this along and hopefully wrap it up.  I imagine I will find the other books on my interim list somewhat easier going.

I also need to make a push to finish up this quilt that I set aside a while back.  It should be easier to work on this now that my daughter has moved up from the basement (where I stored the sewing machine).  She is taking over her brother's room now that he is in university in Ottawa.  But I feel a bit guilty I didn't finish the quilt before he left.  Guilt is not the most useful emotion, however, and I just need to put in a few evenings to see some tangible progress, and the quilting, at least, will get easier as I get back into it.

That's all I really want to write at the moment.  I am many, many posts behind on all of the things I thought about posting, and I'll probably have to do some triaging just to get caught back up.

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