Saturday, December 14, 2024

Almodovar Update

I never did snag a ticket further back for Labyrinth of Passion, but it was ok from the 2nd row.  Just as with Talk to Her, I realized that I watched this movie after borrowing it from Robarts, though somehow I must have been too tired, as I completely forgot the subplot of the woman from the dry cleaners undergoing plastic surgery to look like Sexilla!  I may have also watched Pepi. Luci and Bom, but perhaps not,* so I requested that again and should have it soon (unless Robarts has shut down for winter break).

I did manage to read the three stories in Munro's Runaway that inspired Julietta.  Two I liked, but I thought the third was pretty sad.  It will be curious if Almodovar covers that much of the woman's life.  He notoriously doesn't like sad endings, so I'm not sure how much he did take from the third story, but I'll find out fairly soon.

There's a pretty good chance I will wrap up both Runaway and The Love of a Good Woman this month.  I might also take on Joy Williams's Taking Care, though I still wanted to see if I could read Kilometer 101 before the end of the year.  Since I am on the TTC a lot more these days, I do get more reading in.  I did ride my bike today as it was just a bit warmer, but I regretted it coming home from TIFF, as the temperature dropped again.  I also found my glove liners, so the whole business of stopping at MEC before Brazil was particularly pointless.  I just have to keep reminding myself not to go back into MEC.

I need to wrap this up pretty soon.  I need to get some rest, since I am leaving early in the morning to take a bus to Buffalo.  I'm mostly going to the Albright-Knox to check out the Marisol exhibit, though I may make it over to Target, though it depends a lot on the timing.  I am taking a slightly earlier bus back (4:25 instead of 6:15), since I don't like hanging out at the Buffalo Greyhound, so I don't have a lot of slack time in the schedule, and I likely will end up cabbing it at least part of the time.

Anyway, when I get back, I will see if I feel up to going to the gym (I only went swimming over the weekend), and I need to wrap a few presents, and I also need to make more progress on getting my expenses into the system.  As always just a few too many things going on all at once.

* I actually later had some back and forth with someone at Robarts who says that their copy is Region 2 (and PAL), which is fine, and has no English subtitles, which is not.  Disappointing, and that clearly means I never did watch this and had watched Labyrinth of Passion instead.  There is one version of Pepi floating around that has burned in subs, though this is out of print.  The same version is on Almodovar Collection 1, available in Region 2.  It turns out that they have 3 of the other films in the set, so are not likely to order it.  I have 2, though I don't have Dark Habits.  I thought it was an interesting film, but probably not one I would watch very often, and I don't want to duplicate the others.  Also, Pepi, Luci and Bom is supposed to be a fairly weak offering, and not something that I would watch more than once.  Maybe I should have tried harder to see it during the retrospective.  Now if Labyrinth of Passion had been included in the box set instead of Women on the Verge, then yes I would have ordered it.  In general I am trying to avoid too much overlap and am waiting to see if Criterion or someone else puts out a truly comprehensive Blu-ray set.  Here's hoping.

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