Sunday, January 12, 2025

Random, Somewhat Muddled Thoughts

I'm still emerging from a late afternoon nap.  I don't take all that many naps, and I had debated if I should set the alarm for 6 pm or so, and then possibly make my way down to the Rex to see Mark Murley.  I absolutely would have had Neil Swainson been on bass, but it was some other bassist.  I finally decided I would just pass and catch up a bit on sleep.  When I woke up, I assumed it was the middle of the night, but it was only 9 pm!  So I'm somewhat refreshed, but also still a bit disoriented.

I think I might as well start out writing down some thoughts on how my events calendar is still a bit in flux and then go from there, to see if I can catch up on any of the other blog posts I have been meaning to write.

At one point, I had thought I was going to see Hairspray over at Hot Docs.  It was a sing-along, which I would have found a bit hard to swallow, but I would have gone along with it.  It became apparent though that this was the movie of the musical, and not the John Waters's original.  Even though the musical was filmed in Toronto (over in Roncy mostly, I believe), I had no interest in going.  Then I thought I would go to a preview performance of Last Landscape over at Buddies instead.  I had a note on my calendar that said Buddies was next Friday, though I wasn't sure if that was just a "note to self" or I had actually ordered tickets.  It turns out I had gotten a ticket but hadn't printed it out yet, so that ruled out Buddies for the evening.  And as I said, I ruled out the Rex and took that nap instead.

Yesterday (Sat.) I had managed to go swimming (though between the staff closing the spa pool early and terrible streetcar service, I was cheated out of a 5 minute soak in the spa) and then zig-zagged across the city checking out small art galleries.  I got to work around 4 pm.  I had intended to put in a couple of hours, go home and eat and then come back to the Rex.  Instead I put in a few extra hours, and before I knew it, it was 7:30, so I just worked an extra half hour and walked over to the Rex.  Somehow I had got my wires crossed.  Alex Dean was last week.  I'm sure the group (not Mark Murley) was fine, but I decided I would rather go home.  I don't need to be out all the time.  I ate a late dinner and eventually watched Antonioni's La Notte, including a fairly interesting short documentary on the role of architecture (particularly all the glass that sometimes reflects and sometimes allows for voyeuristic moments in the film).  I'll circle back to this in an upcoming post, I promise.

This upcoming week is quite busy.  Monday is just about the only day I don't have anything scheduled.  I should run up to Robarts (to return La Notte and pick up a few more books on the hold shelf -- I'm currently intrigued by John Burnside and Michael Longley, as if I didn't have enough else on my reading list...).  While I could go to the Rex to see Murley after all, I think I'm going to pass.  I expect I will end up watching Almodovar's Matador instead (as I get closer and closer to seeing all of his films!).

Tues., I have a free ticket to the See the North series at TIFF, which is in fact always free to the public (not just TIFF members).  They are playing Pool's La femme de l'hotel.  While I don't expect her to show up, I guess you never know.  At one point, I had two tickets but in the very first row.  Quite a few opened up, and I moved back (but gave up the second ticket).  I told a couple of people about it, but I'm starting to get too stressed about coordinating these things, and I am probably not going to book second tickets from here on out.*

Wed. I am planning on running over to Paradise to see Can You Ever Forgive Me?, mostly to see a late career film by Richard E. Grant.  I haven't actually gotten my ticket to that, so I should do so.  I'm pretty sure I have a 15% off coupon.

Thurs., I am going to see Come From Away.  There was a big Boxing Day sale and I got the second ticket for a tooney (plus some fees), but my work colleague bailed, and then two other actor friends couldn't make it, and I finally found someone to go.  I had hoped to take my son over his winter break, though in the end we saw 3 movies plus the failed experiment of Sing-Along Messiah, which was actually a lot.

Friday I will be at Buddies to see Last Landscape.

Sat. it appears that I am going to see the matinee of Winter Solstice at Canadian Stage (I don't know anything about it, but the cast is amazing) and then I'll probably see this one-night only thing at Factory, though the last time I checked you couldn't get tickets, which does make me wonder if it felt through.  (Actually, now the website says it is sold out - Grrrr, so I will email just to get on the waiting list and see if it turns up as a full production down the road...)  There is a small chance I will set up a special viewing of some prints by Naoko Matsubara at Abbozzo Gallery over at 401 Richmond, but they may not want to do this over the weekend.  I guess I'll find out.  

Then Sunday, I am supposed to see Emanuel Ax playing a Mozart piano concerto, and then I'll head straight to the Paradise to see Yi Yi.  Yi Yi is a film I've been meaning to watch for a long time, but I simply find it easier to carve out the time to see films on the big screen.

I don't have a lot going on the following week, but I go expect to go to the Rex to see Brian Dickinson and Neil Swainson at least once and maybe twice.  I'm seeing something at RCM on Friday (apparently a song cycle based on poems from Margaret Atwood's Dearly).  I think I had been thinking of checking out Tafelmusik over at the McMichael, but this would be next to impossible to get to, which unfortunately is also the case for a June 5 concert.  I just might be able to work it to go on Sun. March 23.  It does appear that the Jan. and June concerts are repeated at the Toronto Botanical Garden, and I'll likely go on Jan. 25 and potentially June 15 as well.  If I can find the time on the 25th, I might see about catching Blade Runner at Carlton.

Now the last week of Jan. is when things get kind of fuzzy.  On the Sunday, I meet a friend for lunch and we then head over to Canadian Stage for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (kind of heavy stuff for a matinee!).  We currently don't have seats together, but I have asked the box office to see if something can be worked out.  Anyway, then I run over to catch the train to Bloor West and then walk over to the Revue to see La Dolce Vita, which is also pretty long and heavy in a different way (when we get to the intellectual and his children...).

Monday I will have to make sure I leave work on time and then hop over to the Revue to see Antonioni's L'Avventura.  I'm almost certain that I have seen L'Eclisse before, though I suppose I can borrow it from the library to make sure.  Anyway, watching L'Avventura should round out my viewing of his greatest films, and one day I'll get around to The Passenger and Zabriskie Point, but I'm not in a hurry.  I'm pretty sure that my favorite will be La Notte, which has more than a little in common with La Dolce Vita, though if anything it's even more jaded.

After this, things are up in the air, because I am supposed to head over to Edmonton for a work trip, but they haven't said what day it will be.  I'm kind of hoping it is Tues. in the late afternoon or Wed.  

I'm almost certainly going to be back in Toronto on the 31st, and I'm very close to booking a ticket to a TSO concert, and then I think I will book a ticket for a comedian on the 1st.  Maybe I will do that tonight.  Thurs. evening is a concert by the Jack Quartet, and I'd like to see that, but I do need to wait until this work trip firms up.

Then I am seeing Tafelmusik on Feb. 2 and I should be able to get over to the Revue to see The Conversation, but I think I will just try to get tickets at the door rather than book them and not be able to use them.

There's a fair bit going on in Feb. and March, but I think I'll just focus on events I haven't booked just to try to focus my attention and not forget anything.

I'll just check with my wife, but I think we'll go see this creepy show at Red Sandcastle on Fri. Feb. 7.

There is a show about ecological collapse (naturally) called Dimanche.  It looks like I can go on Feb. 22.  I don't think she'd want to go, but I will ask.  There is actually someone at work who might want to make it.

I asked around if any of the neighbours wanted to see Buena Vista Orchestra over at Danforth Music Hall, but apparently not, so I will book a single ticket for that, and likely I'll go see Age of Arousal at Alumnae the next day.

Then there is a show called Truck at Factory at the end of March that looks pretty interesting (about how self-driving trucks will put even more of the working class out of work). 

So that is definitely plenty to think about for the immediate future.  At some point, I'll get serious about booking a ticket to MacBeth at Stratford.  I think I had narrowed it down to one weekend where I could also see The Winter's Tale.

* I was able to bring a friend to Pain and Glory and my son to a couple other Almodovar films at TIFF, but somehow out of all the people that I sometimes invite to events (6 or so), no one could make All About My Mother!  In the end, I held the ticket too late to return through the website.  The woman at the box office said it would normally be a $3 fee, though she knew someone who could use the ticket after all and waived it.

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